WHITE SPARKLE IN HER EYES with Dionne (Smallville) & Brotherhood (Kann)


WHITE SPARKLE IN HER EYES with Dionne (Smallville) & Brotherhood (Kann)

12.12.09 // 23:55h // Horst Krzbrg, Tempelhofer Ufer 1

For our WHITE Christmas party we invited some friends from our favourite labels SMALLVILLE & KANN once again!

I guess you could say it is a well-proven receipe… but those were simply the best nights of the year for us! :)

From Hamburg City we have Just aka. Dionne.
Besides Julius, Jaques and of course Lawrence, he is another good family spirit of the Smallville Shop. Also he is the production partner from Julius Steinhoff and the “Smallpeople” are roughing up the deephouse world quite a bit these days. Releases for Laid & UQ are in the pipeline…:)

For our KANN support we have Brotherhood from Leipzig this time.
Together with Daniel Stefanik he founded his own label imprint STRETCHCAT just recently. With strictly limited editions and lots of love for the true essentials. He has been on our list of wishes for long long time, now we’ve managed to invite him!

And of course there will be also people from WHITE playing:

Nu will play one of his unique livesets. Recently that guy has been seen a lot in the sourroundings of such labels like MGF & Bar 25.

And in the end Kotelett & Zadak, will show us their favourite records of the year… Could be one of their never ending sets.

Almost forgot: In the beginning we have our WHITE boygroup Edward & Oskar… fluffy beards and nutty haircuts included!

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